4 tips for creating effective content for your agency’s website

In today’s competitive market, insurance agencies are under increasing pressure to create great content. Here’s how to do it


By Joe Rosengarten

In today’s competitive market, insurance agencies are under increasing pressure to create content that’s effective and on-brand. Along with the design and imagery, the style of content you use on your website will dictate how consumers think and feel about your agency. Great content can engage clients, build trust and help you gain visibility in the marketplace, but ineffective or bad content will have seriously negatively consequences.

Here are some tips for creating content for the individual pages of your agency’s website.

1. Think consumer-first
“Thanks to the Internet, consumers are now firmly in control of the purchase process,” explains Dylan Brooks, SEO coordinator at Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC). “As such, your content shouldn't advertise to them as much as address their needs. Make sure you've researched your target consumers to ensure you're reaching them effectively.”

2. Benefits over features
While it may seem tempting to list the features of your policy offerings, taking a different approach is recommended in order to best engage with clients and prospective clients. “Consumers care more about the "why" than the "what",” Brooks says. “Demonstrate how your agency can help solve specific consumer needs.”

3. Go local and personal
Consumers want to create personal connections with the companies they interact with. Making real connections - both in person and online – is a fundamental way of building your brand and becoming seem as an important part of the local community. “Leverage your status as a locally based business to build this connection,” Brooks says. “You can personalize your content by incorporating such features as geography, weather and local events.”

4. Connect through emotion
“Consumers lean heavily on their emotions when making purchasing decisions, so it pays (quite literally) to incorporate emotion into your content,” Brooks says. “Demonstrate empathy for consumers' problems and then provide relevant solutions through your services.”

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